Sub account


Xtrix plus multi room sub



  1. Xtrix Plus supports up to 3 sub-devices Xtrix can have 1 sub-device at the same time with the same IP address. a separate sub-subscription is needed for each device
  2. You need one device to have Xtrix plus installed (master device) one or two other devices can have the sub-app installed to be the slave devicesĀ 
  3. How to Bind. If your Xtrix plus code is 9345675tc and your subcode is e8756774885uc. Enter 9345675tc into your master device with the Xtrix plus app installed. Then enter 9345675tc into the slave devices with the sub-device app to bind the devices. then enter e8756774885uc into the sub-device to activate the subaccount. You need one sub-device code for each slave device.
  4. Sub-devices get a 12 months code it will only work while the master device has a valid code, if the code runs out on the master device the sub-decieve/s will also stop until the subscription, on the master device, is renewed.
  5. There is no recording feature on the sub-devices.

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